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How do I use my lead reporting?

The lead report is held in Rightmove plus and it gives you a view of how emails and calls you have received from Consumers via Rightmove.  

To access the report you will need to follow the below steps:

  • Log in to Rightmove Plus
  • From the land page click 'Menu' in the top left hand corner
  • Select 'Lead Reports' from the menu 
  • If you don't have permission to access the page - then please click get in touch (on the right of this page)
  • Once on the Lead Report you will see 3 tabs as per the below:
    • Summary - detailing all emails and calls 
    • Telephone log - calls will show on here only if you have a Rightmove Geographical number
    • Email - All emails received via Rightmove

Email Log Features

Date Range

The report will hold all email leads which have been received in the last year. We are not able to go further back than this, as per our Retention Policy.


The graph will give a breakdown of all emails, broken down into Sales, Lettings and General Enquiries. The panel on the right will also details how many contacts advised if they have a property to sell/let and also how many have requested a Valuation. This information populates if they have filled in the optional fields when sending a lead. 


When viewing the email leads, the below filters can be applied:

There is also an additional 'Search' box, if you are looking for leads on a specific property or if searching for a lead from a specific person. 

Applicant Information

On the Lead Report you will also see the applicant information, which will include their name, address, telephone number and email address. Also the time and date of when the lead was sent.


This will detail whether the applicant is looking for a Valuation or for a viewing

Property Address

Detailing the property that the applicant had emailed about

View More

Once selected, this will open up the email lead that was sent in a pop-up window

Phone Log Features

Date Range

The report will hold all telephone leads which have been received in the last year. We are not able to go further back than this, as per our Retention Policy.


The graph will give a breakdown of all calls made to the Rightmove GEO number, broken down into answered, missed and abandoned calls. This is also detailed on the panel on the right. 


When viewing the telephone leads, the below filters can be applied, this is also detailed in the 'Status' field:

Answered - Calls that have been answered

Engaged -  The caller received an engaged tone

Unanswered - The call was not answered within a minute

Abandoned - The call lasted less then 7 seconds

Missed - This is the total of calls which were engaged, unanswered or abandoned

Applicant Information

On the Lead Report you will also see the applicant information, which will include telephone number and whether the calls was made from a mobile, anonymous or landline, if the call is from a landline, it will detail the location too. 


If your branch is dual (Sales and Lettings) you will have 2 geo numbers (1 for Sales & 1 for Lettings), this field will detail if the caller dialled the sales or lettings numbers.


This details how long the call lasted

Call Recordings

Alongside having a Geo number, Rightmove can also record your calls. This can only be activated if you have filled in a consent form. If you would like your calls recorded, then please email your Account Manager, who can send you the form. 

Once set up, calls can be listened to and also downloaded via your lead report. In order for you to listen to calls, you will need to the permission on your Rightmove Plus login. If you do not have this permission, then please click 'get on touch' on the right hand side of this page.

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